Beachside living with easy access to work and leisure.

Located in the An Thuong residential area by beautiful My An Beach, Koala Apartments is within a short stroll to several cafes, bars and restaurants . Koala Apartments is also within easy reach of numerous business and leisure attractions.

Places of interest near Koala Apartments include:

  • Danang CBD (4kms)
  • My An Beach (200m)
  • Hoi An Ancient Town (20kms)
  • Montgomerie Links Golf Course (8kms)
  • Danang Golf Course (7kms)
  • Son Tra Peninsular Nature Reserve (6kms)
  • Marble Mountain (5kms)

Location Map:

Koala Apartments 05-09 An Thuong 3 – Ngu Hanh Son – DaNang

DaNang Beach Apartments – Koala Apartments